On January 29, during an appearance on Fox News Channel’s “Fox & Friends,” Department of Homeland Security Secretary Kristi Noem addressed the recent capture of a “ringleader” from the violent Venezuelan gang Tren de Aragua in New York City. This individual was reportedly apprehended while attempting to purchase grenades.
Tren de Aragua is notorious for its violent activities, particularly for seizing control of an apartment complex in Aurora, Colorado, and subsequently being linked to similar incidents across the nation. The gang is infamous for its extreme brutality and is predominantly composed of Venezuelan migrants.
Noem was present during the capture of the “ringleader” as she accompanied federal immigration officials, including ICE, in New York City on January 28. These officials were conducting extensive raids aimed at apprehending violent undocumented immigrants for deportation.
In her remarks on Fox News regarding the immigration operation, Noem highlighted the seriousness of the situation, stating that the individual was involved in a weapons exchange and was attempting to acquire grenades. She questioned the necessity of such actions, asking, “Why would anyone in this country need to buy a grenade and engage in violence?”
Furthermore, Noem expressed that the general public, even in sanctuary cities, supports immigration enforcement, contrary to the stance of some elected officials. She remarked, “It is remarkable to hear city leaders, particularly Democrats in places like New York City, criticize our law enforcement efforts. However, the residents on the streets do not share their views.”
Noem also shared that many ordinary citizens expressed gratitude for the enforcement of immigration laws, recounting instances where individuals thanked them as they passed by while taking their children to school.
It seems that Noem’s assessment of the average community members’ perception of ICE’s role was accurate. This sentiment was echoed by Tyreek Goodman, a member of the Bronx County Conservative Party, who remarked on the detrimental impact of Tren de Aragua in their community, leading to widespread support for law enforcement.
In a statement to Fox News Digital, he expressed, “There is a palpable sense of fear regarding what might occur if they target us next. Numerous crimes have been reported on the MTA, perpetrated by individuals who should not be present here. Therefore, it is crucial for us to recognize that, to ensure the safety of our community, we must unite in support of law enforcement.”